Seventh International Workshop on
Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning

Workshop at IJCAI-11, Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain)
Sunday, 17th of July, 2011


Previous events in the series:
NeSy'05 took place at IJCAI-05, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1st of August 2005.
NeSy'06 took place at ECAI2006, Riva del Garda, Italy, 29th of August 2006.
NeSy'07 took place at IJCAI-07, Hydarabad, India, 8th of January 2007.
NeSy'08 took place at ECAI2008, Patras, Greece, 21st of July 2008.
NeSy'09 took place at IJCAI-09, Pasadena, California, 11th of July 2009.
NeSy'10 took place at AAAI-10, Atlanta, Georgia, 11th of July 2010.

Keynote Talk

Bob Kowalski, The Connection Graph Proof Procedure as a Logical-Connectionist Model of the Mind. (see also his book Computational Logic and Human Thinking: How to be Artificially Intelligent.)


09.30 - 10.30 Robert Kowalski. The Connection Graph Proof Procedure as a Logical-Connectionist Model of the Mind (keynote)
10.30 - 11.00 Andreas Wichert. Neural Sub-Symbolic Reasoning
coffee break
11.30 - 12.00 Roman Belavkin, Fawad Jamshed, Kailash Nadh, Peter Passmore, Emma Byrne and Dan Diaper. CABot3: A Simulated Neural Games Agent
12.00 - 12.30 Gadi Pinkas, Priscila Lima and Shimon Cohen. Compact Crossbar Variable Binding for Neuro-Symbolic Computation
12.30 - 13.00 Silvano Colombo Tosatto, Guido Boella, Leon Van Der Torre, Artur d'Avila Garcez and Valerio Genovese. Embedding Normative Reasoning into Neural Symbolic Systems
lunch break
14.30 - 15.00 Michelangelo Diligenti, Marco Gori and Marco Maggini. Towards Developmental AI: The paradox of ravenous intelligent agents
15.00 - 15.30 Yoshiaki Gotou, Wataru Makiguchi and Hajime Sawamura. Extracting Argumentative Dialogues from the Neural Network that Computes the Dungean Argumentation Semantics
15:30 - 16:30 Posters and Demos:
Leo de Penning. Visual Intelligence using Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (demo)
Silvano Colombo-Tosatto. Neural-Symbolic Learning:How to play Soccer (demo)
Norbert Tsopze, Engelbert Mephu Nguifo and Gilbert Tindo. Extracting both MofN rules and if-then rules from the training neural networks (poster)
Ekaterina Komendantskaya and Qiming Zhang. SHERLOCK - An Inteface for Neuro-Symbolic Networks (poster)
coffee break
17:00 - 18:00 Discussion (Directions for Neural-Symbolic Computation) Chair: TBD

Pictures from NeSy'11

Click to enlarge.

Call for Papers

Artificial Intelligence researchers continue to face huge challenges in their quest to develop truly intelligent systems. The recent developments in the field of neural-symbolic computation bring an opportunity to integrate well-founded symbolic artificial intelligence with robust neural computing machinery to help tackle some of these challenges. Neural-symbolic systems combine the statistical nature of learning and the logical nature of reasoning.

The Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning is intended to create an atmosphere of exchange of ideas, providing a forum for the presentation and discussion of the key topics related to neural-symbolic integration. Topics of interest include:


Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit original papers that have not been submitted for review or published elsewhere. Submitted papers must be written in English and should not exceed 6 pages in the case of research and experience papers, and 3 pages in the case of position papers (including figures, bibliography and appendices) in IJCAI-11 format as described in the IJCAI-11 call for papers. However, submissions are not anonymous. All submitted papers will be judged based on their quality, relevance, originality, significance, and soundness. Papers must be submitted via easychair in PDF format at


Accepted papers and presentation abstracts will have to be presented during the workshop. The workshop will include extra time for audience discussion of the presentation allowing the group to have a better understanding of the issues, challenges and ideas being presented.


Accepted papers will be published in official workshop proceedings, which will be distributed during the workshop. Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit a revised and extended version of their papers to the Journal of Logic and Computation, Learning and Reasoning Corner.

Important Dates

Deadline for paper submission: April 18, 2011
Notification of paper acceptance: May 13, 2011
Camera-ready paper due: May 20, 2011
Workshop date: July 17th, 2011
IJCAI-11 main conference dates: July 16th to 22nd, 2011


The workshop is open to all members of the AI community, but the number of attendees may be limited. In case of exceeded capacity preference will be given to participants with papers selected for presentation.

Workshop Organisers

Artur d'Avila Garcez (City University London, UK)
Pascal Hitzler (Wright State University, Dayton, OH, U.S.A.)
Luis Lamb (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)

Programme Committee (tentative)

Sebastian Bader, University of Rostock, Germany
Howard Blair, Syracuse University, New York, U.S.A.
Claudia d'Amato, University of Bari, Italy
Ben Goertzel, Novamente LLC, U.S.A.
Barbara Hammer, TU Clausthal, Germany
Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis, University of Patras, Greece
Steffen Hölldobler, TU Dresden, Germany
Henrik Jacobsson, Google
Kristian Kersting, Fraunhofer IAIS, Sankt Augustin, Germany
Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Sophia Antipolis, France
Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, University of Osnabrück, Germany
Florian Roehrbein, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, U.S.A.
Anthony K. Seda, University College Cork, Ireland
Hava Siegelmann, University of Massachusetts Amherst, U.S.A.
Ron Sun, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, U.S.A.
Frank van der Velde, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Gerson Zaverucha, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Additional Information

General questions concerning the workshop should be addressed to Artur d'Avila Garcez at
Please also feel free to join the neural-symbolic integration mailing list for announcements and discussions - it's a low traffic mailing list.